Materials Growth & Measurement Laboratory

Czech open access research infrastructure

Getting measurement time

MGML is the research infrastructure which offers open acces to all its experimental equipment for all users from Czech Republic and abroad. To get the measurement time, register at MGML Dashboard and submit the experimental proposal following instructions below. We strongly recommend to discuss the feasibility of the experiment with the local contact(s) prior to proposal submission.

Writing a proposal

The MGML accepts three types of proposals:

  • STANDARD proposal for specific narrow studies related to one or few samples
  • LONG TERM proposal for wider studies on larger set(s) of samples, typically bounded to funding by a national or international agency or (in case of student) theses
  • PROOF OF CONCEPT proposal for testing new ideas and approaches
Evaluation process

Each submitted proposal is checked by our User office and passed for technical check to our local contacts. Feasible proposals are continuously assessed by the international evaluation panel. Every user can see the current stage of the proposal evaluation in the MGML dashboard and is informed via email when the final decision is made.


Accepted proposals will be scheduled as soon as possible. Please arrange the possible dates for your experiment with your local contact(s). If you need further assistance (e.g. accommodation, means of travel etc.), please contact User office.