The Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) meeting took place on June 7th and 8th 2022. After the covid period of online meetings, the SAC members were able to visit our infrastructure in person. Nine SAC members came to Prague: Prof. Mohsen Abd-Elmeguid, Prof. Ernst Bauer, Dr. Martin Böhm, Prof. Alexander Feher, Dr. Antonio Pereira Goncalves, Prof. Olivier Isnard, Prof. Dariusz Kaczorowski, Prof. Konstantin Kamenev and Prof. David Rafaja. Two foreign members of the Evaluation panel (Prof. Piotr Wiśniewski and Dr. Vladimír Tkáč) joined the meeting as well.
Some of the participants visited the MGML laboratory in Cukrovarnická campus on June 7th. During the main meeting day, June 8th, the participants visited our laboratories in Karlov campus (technology including crystal growth, x-ray laboratories) and Troja campus (measurement laboratory). There were also brief discussions with the chairs of the Evaluation panel (Prof. Vladimír Sechovský) and the User Committee (Dr. Ross Colman).
Three scientific lectures documented the excellent research of our young users:
- Michal Vališka: Growth and study of high-quality single crystals of UTe2
- Dávid Hovančík: Structure and magnetism of van der Waals crystal VI3
- Kristina Vlášková: Preparation, local structure and magnetic properties of A2B2O7 compounds
Finally, the MGML management (Prof. Pavel Javorský, Dr. Jiří Pospíšil, Dr. Jan Prokleška) summarized the events of the last year, current state of financing and future infrastructure plans. At the end of the meeting, the members of the SAC assessed the operation and achievements of the infrastructure in their closed session.
SAC Panel during discussion
Scientific session chaired by Prof. Javorský