Materials Growth & Measurement Laboratory

Czech open access research infrastructure


Seeking postdocs: talented & ambitious

MGML welcomes young researchers considering the application to the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship scheme 2024 (MSCA-PF). There is unbeatable competitive advantage of Czechia: Triple chance to recieve funding! Read more for details.

Seeking postdocs: talented & ambitious

MGML welcomes young researchers considering the application to the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship scheme 2022 (MSCA-PF). There is unbeatable competitive advantage of Czechia: Triple chance to recieve funding! Read more for details.

Seeking postdocs: talented & ambitious

MGML welcomes young researchers considering the application to the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship scheme 2022 (MSCA-PF). There is unbeatable competitive advantage of Czechia: Triple chance to recieve funding! Read more for details.

Award winning actinides research

The recent publication is an outcome of Dávid Hovančík’s diploma thesis work. His comprehensive study on solid solutions of ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic actinides was carried out within the European Erasmus+ student project and as a cooperation between MGML and Presov’s University UnipoLab. The thesis was evaluated as an excellent work and awarded with the Rector’s Award of University of Presov.

Joining European network of magnetic field facilities

Large research infrastructure MGML (Materials Growth & Measurement Laboratory,, which operates at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University and whose partner institution is Institute of Physics of Czech Academy of Science, has become part of the prestigious network of European laboratories focused on research of materials in magnetic fields, led by EMFL - European Magnetic Field Laboratory (

MGML and HLD user project smooths the path to the new quantum device

Recent study of PhD student H. Saito from Hokkaido University is a typical example of a long-term experimental proposal at MGML. He spent almost a year in Prague, where he grew several single crystals of UNi4B and performed its detailed characterization. The work continued at our partner infrastructure HLD, resulting in the new findings on the field of quantum computing.

Memorandum of Understanding with HZDR

The Memorandum of Understanding between Charles University and Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rosendorf e. V. (HZDR) has been signed. The aim of the Memorandum is to broaden and deepen the scientific and technological cooperation as well as extend the collaboration towards various new activities between two Large Research Infrastructures.

The large-scale facilities mini-school through a virtual format

Before the current crisis, a mini-school for budding physicists was planned and organized by scientists at the Technical University of Munich and MGML, Charles University – a cooperation project funded by the Bayerisch-Tschechischen Hochschulagentur. But as it has turned out, Corona forced the event to be held in a virtual format. The silver lining is that this format allowed a larger number of people from around the world to participate.

Researchers discover new phase of nanoconfined water

Researchers at MIPT Laboratory of Terahertz Spectroscopy together with their MGML and international colleagues discovered a new phase of nanoconfined water; separate water molecules that are confined within nanocavities formed by ions of cordierite crystal lattice. The discovered phenomenon can also find practical applications in ferroelectrics, artificial quantum systems, and biocompatible nanoelectronics.

The ISABEL project was approved

One of the great challenges of society is innovation through the development of new and advanced materials. Such tailored materials are needed in all key-technological areas, from renewable energy concepts, through next-generation data storage to biocompatible materials for medical applications and many of these future materials will be synthesized on a nano-scale. In order to reach these goals, state-of-the-art analytical tools are needed. High magnetic fields are one of the most powerful tools available to scientists for the study, modification and control of states of matter, and in order to compete on the global scale, Europe needs state-of-the-art high magnetic field facilities which provide the highest possible fields (both continuous and pulsed) for its many active and world-leading researchers.

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