The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action - Postdoctoral Fellowship (MSCA-PF) grant supports individual research fellowships (12-24 months) connected with international mobility (applicant should not reside in the Czech Republic for more than 12 months in the 36-month interval before the call deadline). See explanatory video at the end of this page. The applicant interested in the MSCA-PF should contact us with a two-page letter of interest accompanied by the CV. We are interested in supporting a wide range of topics related to condensed matter phenomena, including but not limited to uranium and rare earth magnetism, physics of van der Waals compounds, and unconventional superconductivity.
Have you finished PhD in condensed matter? Is it time to go abroad? Do you want to accelerate your career? Apply for MSCA-PF within MGML! Unbeatable competitive advantage of Czechia: Triple chance to recieve funding.
MGML is a large research infrastructure devoted to comprehensive experimental studies of a wide collection of physical phenomena and properties of well-defined materials in various external conditions. The MGML technology facilities enable controlled preparation and characterization of high-quality samples keeping the feedback loop between the sample preparation and its investigation tight and suitable for rapid advancements. The MGML is integrated into the host institution, the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University, benefiting from the supportive environment of the best University in the Czech Republic. MGML is often an entrance point to large European infrastructures (e.g. ILL, ESRF, ISIS, EMFL) and is networked with some of them (ISABEL project).
What are the chances to get MSCA-PF at our institution? The MSCA-PF call is a very competitive one, the success rate is 10-15% (necessary score typically over 95%), nevertheless the Czech Republic is a Widening country allowing application within ERA fellowship (necessary score above 90% - fulfilled by 25% of applicants). What makes the application with MGML/Charles University unbeatable is the possibility to apply for structural funding in the case of scoring above 70% (85% of applicants), the continuation call being opened from mid-2022 onward (i.e. applicable for current MSCA-PF call).
Note: The intent to apply for MSCA-PF funding has to be communicated to the rector of Charles University not later than Aug 1st.