Dávid Hovančík a Ph.D. student at the Department of Condensed matter physics presented a poster at the international SCES conference 2023 held in Seoul, South Korea summarizing his scientific results. Dávid was awarded the Best Poster prize in the category of two-dimensional materials for the most accomplished poster presentation entitled “Lattice and Magnetic Excitation in van der Waals Ferromagnet VI3”. The presented study has resulted from a collaboration among the Department of Condensed Matter Physics, Physical Institute of Czech Academy of Science and MGML.
Unveiling the hidden potential of vanadium triiodide propels us one step closer to the frontier of ultrafast THz spintronics.
Dávid’s research area is the two-dimensional magnetism in van der Waals (vdW) materials. These systems have gained a lot of attention because of their 2D fundamental properties and notable potential applications in spintronics and data storage. The wining poster outlines temperature-dependent infrared and Raman spectroscopy studies of vanadium triiodide (VI3), a member of the family of 2D vdW magnets hosting a rather complex ferromagnetic (FM) order. The study has settled the VI3 lattice symmetry in different structural phases, which numerous papers were divided on. Most importantly, Raman scattering revealed a highly energetic FM resonance in a terahertz (THz) range in the FM phase. The observed THz FM resonance in VI3 is a promising indicator of the application potential of 2D vdW FM in ultrafast THz spintronics even though it was previously considered an exclusive domain of antiferromagnets.