Typical applications
Low temperature x-ray diffractometer equipped with closed cycle He cryostat (101J Cryocooler from ColdEdge) dedicated to the low temperature x-ray diffraction measurements of polycrystalline/powder samples, or using the medium resolution parallel beam settings for reciprocal space mapping, measurements of thin films, epitaxial layers or single crystals.
Available methods
low temperature x-ray diffraction
- x-ray diffraction measurements on polycrystalline/powder samples
- reciprocal space mapping
- measurements of thin films, epitaxial layers or single crystals
Technical specification
- Diffractometer
- vertical θ-θ goniometer (refurbished Siemens D500 diffractometer)
- Cu or Co sealed x-ray tubes
- Bragg-Brentano semifocusing geometry
- 1D Mythen detector
- medium resolution parallel beam optics (parabolic mirror)
- secondary graphite monochromator
- ethernet (TCP) control
- Cryostat assembly: 101J Cryocooler (ColdEdge)
- 4.25 K (0.28 W) – 325 K
- angle > 180°
- Kapton window for x-rays pumping station with turbomolecular drag and diaphragm (or rotary vane) pumps
- assembly to mount attocube positioner (for epitaxial thin films measurements)