Materials Growth & Measurement Laboratory

Czech open access research infrastructure


Student faculty grants at MGML

MGML in cooperation with DCMP offers a variety of theses related to the all areas of in-house research. There are topics on crystallography, materials’ structure,studies at extreme conditions, magnetism, superconductivity, low dimensional frustrated physics, condensed Matter theory or machine learning.

Excellent GAUK project

The project of Kristina Vlášková titled “Electon properties of R2T2O7 pyrochlores with the strong spin-orbit coupling” was evaluated as excellent by the Grant Agency of Charles University. The number and quality of project outcomes – 7 publications in scientific journals with impact factor – are tightly connected with the results obtained within the MGML laboratories.

Awarded diploma thesis

The results obtained within MGML are also included in the diploma thesis “Unconventional behavior of Ce and Yb compounds induced by extreme pressure” (Petr Král). Petr Král won a third place in the competition for the best thesis in material sciences held annully by the CRYTUR Company.

Other available tags

magnetism (13) collaboration (10) user programme (9) students (9) paper (8) conferences (4) people (4) industry (4) crystal structure (3) thesis (3) student (3) job (3) superconductivity (3) Isabel (3) specific heat (2) award (2) high magnetic field (1) resisitivity (1) FIB (1) 20t (1) dielectric (1) in-house (1) crystal growth (1) neutrons (1) nanomagnetism (1) actinides (1) xmcd (1) altemagnetism (1) Kramers spin degeneracy (1) MnTe (1) funding (1) UTe2 (1)