Typical applications
This machine is a true work horse of measurement laboratories. One is located in Troja and one in Cukrovarnická Campus. They are used mainly for basic characterization of the samples with resistivity, specific heat and magnetization measurements in the fields up to 9T.
Available methods
All standart measurements are available, inclucing combination with rotator or 3He insert, where possible. Custom measurement are possible using dedicated sample holders (high frequencies, see list below).

Sample environment
The sample can be placed either in the He exchange gas or the sample chamber can be evacuated. The basic temperature span is 1.8-400K, this is extended by 3He insert reaching down to 0.38K. Magnetization can be measured up to 1000K. The maximum field is ±9 T (maximum sweep rate 1.2T/min) and electrical field ±200V.